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The Bexley Seabury Seminary 200th Anniversary Gala Planning Committee is delighted to announce that the Reverend Dr. Bradley Hauff, Seabury Western Class of 1990 and a member of the Presiding Bishop’s staff as Missioner for Indigenous Ministries, will deliver the keynote address at the Bexley Seabury 200th Anniversary Gala, Friday October 4, 2024 at the Women’s Club in Evanston, IL.

Hauff is originally from South Dakota; born in Sioux Falls and raised in Rapid City, and he is enrolled with the Oglala Sioux Tribe (Lakota) of Pine Ridge, as were both of his parents.  His parents attended the Indigenous boarding schools that were operated by the federal government and the Episcopal Church. He is a 1990 graduate of Seabury-Western and has been an Episcopal priest for over 30 years, having served churches in the dioceses of South Dakota, Dallas, Minnesota, Florida and Pennsylvania.

In 2023 he was made an honorary Canon in the Diocese of South Dakota. He has written articles and made numerous presentations around the country on Native American issues. He lives in St. Paul. Minnesota with his wife Ruth. They have three daughters, two grandchildren and three dogs. He enjoys hiking, bicycling, and gardening, and jazz and blues music.