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Larry Handwerk

Developing Leaders for Congregational Change: The Effect of Education for Ministry: Theological Education by Extension on Congregational Development

This thesis records the results of a study on the effect of the Education for Ministry Program on the participants. It focuses on the participants ability to aid in the transformation of their congregation towards a new identity and a new consciousness of the mission of the church in their local community and the world. The study reports and analyzes both the personal and congregational changes that took place in one congregation where 85 members participated in the EFM program. A remarkable correlation between participation in EFM and increased activity in congregational life, leadership, and stewardship is revealed. The survey demonstrates that this activity increased because, through the community-based learning and formation process of EFM, there were changes in the participants’ total outlook on the church, their jobs, and their lives. Such changes, the author believes, are necessary in the leadership of a congregation in a changing culture if transformation of the congregation toward a new identity and its mission is to take place.