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Ann Johnson Broomell

“Who Dares Stand Idle”: The Spiritual Life of the Agent of Change

In order to live into the hope of the future as people seek new meaning in their lives in the century to come, we in the Episcopal Church must be able to change as a people of God, as followers of Jesus Christ, both to discover meaning for our lives and to offer a place where others can discern meaning as well. The agent of change lives in the midst of a shifting paradigm, seeking to connect the truths of Christianity and Anglicanism with today’s perspectives and realities, both to meet the needs of the present and to offer Christ to the future. The church desperately needs those who will risk to lead it into the future; those who will not stand idle in the midst of Christ’s call. Adaptive leadership, the role of the agent of change, is grounded in the spiritual life of the leader. The insights of ten individuals, bishops, priests, and rectors, who are leading change in varied settings and areas of ministry underscore the connection between adaptive leadership and call, between risk and spiritual support. Their call is reinforced and they find strength and support through prayer and listening, through interactions with other people, and through their understandings of and response to events in the church and the world. Writings in the are of ministry and business in the areas of vision and call, discernment, and self care support the conclusions of those involved in this challenging life.