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Nancy Ann McLaughlin

I Will With the Help of God: Baptismal Covenant in the Episcopal Church

Forty Episcopal congregations that had been recommended by their diocesan offices as having significant lay involvement were interviewed for this study which examines the individual elements of the baptismal covenant as contained in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer and its implied concept of baptismal ministry. The historical roots of the covenantal practices are examined highlighting the role attributed to God and the response of loving service from the people. In addition to examining each of the congregations in terms of the basic elements of the Christian life, their expectations regarding the role of the clergy are also covered. Roy Oswalsd’s “Focus of Ministry” polarity is also used to illustrate the importance of maintaining a balance between the church as a “movement,” focused on a dynamic relationship with God, and the church as an “enterprise” or institution focused on preservation of beliefs and traditions as well as the organization’s maintenance and survival. The use of language was found to be of importance both in determining who utilized the concept of baptismal ministry, as well as in analyzing the extent of a congregation’s belief in, and reliance on, God.