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Lydia Grace Burton-Edwards

The Screen of Common Prayer: Using Visual Media Projection in Episcopal Liturgy

The use of visual media projection in Episcopal liturgy is a rare but growing practice. This paper studies three congregations at different stages in their adoption of this technology: St. Gregory Episcopal Church in Deerfield, Illinois, which offered their first projected liturgy in June of 2004: St. George’s Episcopal Church in Dayton, Ohio, which has offered projected liturgy since 2002; and St. Andrew Episcopal Church in Kokomo, Indiana, which began experimenting with projected liturgy in 1998. The study also includes results of a survey of twenty-three additional Episcopal congregations who are using visual media projection in liturgy on a regular, seasonal, or occasional basis. Mention is made of the use of projection technology at General Convention 2003 and includes references to conversations and correspondence with one of the producers of the General Convention presentations. The paper concludes with reflection on developing visual projection for liturgy consistent with the Anglican tradition.