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Stephen Garratt

“Treasures in Earthen Vessels:” Contemplative Ministries in Congregational Settings

This study addresses the problem of how contemplative spirituality might be integrated into the life of a contemporary congregation. Five congregations of the Episcopal Church were identified as having significant contemplative ministries that influenced various areas of parish life. These congregations were viewed as being in “contemplative renewal.” This study examines the influence that contemplative practice has on participants involved with outreach, worship, pastoral care, leadership, and their portraits of Jesus. The assumption of this project was that these areas of parish life would benefit from the practice of contemplative prayer. Thirty-three clergy and lay persons participated in this study by responding to questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. The results indicated that participants believed that contemplative prayer strengthened their exercise of pastoral care, enriched their experience of corporate worship, and deepened their awareness of the presence of Christ or the sacred in their lives. However, the results did not support a positive correlation between contemplative practice and the exercise of leadership, or a stronger desire to be involved with outreach and social justice issues. This study also includes practical suggestions on how congregations might go about integrating contemplative practice into congregational life.