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Frank B. Marshall

Crying from the Depths: The Story of a Church in Displacement, the Challenge of Reconnecting the Anglican Church to Its Society with Passion for Mission

This study reflects the agitation which, I suspect, grips many who, as I do, yearn to see the good news of God in Jesus presented with a passion and sincerity that will touch the lives of persons within and beyond the four walls of the church. It seeks to sensitize the leadership of the Church to an appreciation of how much things have changed to the extent that our current situation now demands of the Church that it engages in a serious reflection and dialogue, relative to the social and cultural changes within its missional context, and to have it take cognizance of the new imperatives for mission and ministry imposed thereby. It explores the factors which have contributed to what I have described as the Church’s displacement from its hitherto central dominant position and role, and the implications for its renewal. It draws upon the findings of sociological research and investigation by the interview method and through workshop encounters. It proposes a pilot program by way of creating a bridge to reconnect the Church to its mission in society with a clearly intentional focus.