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John E. Denson, Jr.

Redefining Congregational Identity and Purpose: Initial Steps Toward Becoming a New Commons

As the first decade of the twenty-first century draws to an end, it is clear that we live in a new, post-modern world. This emerging world is filled with both opportunity and challenge for the church. It is my belief that the church must emerge into this new world, seizing the opportunities and facing the challenges by redefining its identity and purpose. This is necessary not for institutional survival but to ensure that Christ is embodied in the world. This paper proposes that one possible redefinition for congregational identity and purpose is for the church to become a new commons, a new community that is diverse, inclusive, interdependent, broadly connected in the community, and focused on working for the common good. I have focused this work on articulating the theory of the new commons and on one congregation’s initial steps toward becoming a new commons.