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Bexley Seabury Stories


Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation is hosting a comprehensive evaluation visit to reaffirm accreditation by the ATS Commission on Accrediting from October 24–27, 2022. The purpose of this visit is to verify that the school meets all applicable Commission Standards of...

As you go proclaim this message

As you go proclaim this message

A Sermon by Jaime Briceno Holy Eucharist Monday, June 11, 2018 – 11:30 am Saint Barnabas the Apostle Matthew 10:7-16 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out...

Rolling the Stone Away

Rolling the Stone Away

As a school we participated as a Seminary Sponsor in Rolling the Stone Away,"a conference for LGBTQIA saints and prophets—generations past and present—to honor our history and empower our future."We sponsor two seminarians with airfare and hotel accommodations....

How Do We Glorify God?

How Do We Glorify God?

As published in the 2015 Bexley Seabury Magazine { Roundtable discussion of Fully Alive by Jason Fout   THE TEXT | Fout, Jason A. Fully Alive: The Glory of God and the Human Creature in Karl Barth, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Theological Exegesis of Scripture....

Why Didn’t I Do This Earlier?

This is not hyperbole: Seabury's DMin program transforms lives, strengthens ministries, and leads students to ask, "Why didn't I do this earlier?" Recent interviews with two DMin students and one graduate highlighted the many ways the program has helped focus their...