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Dabney Tyler Smith

A Study in Congregational Relocation: A Survey of Nine Congregations

This thesis seeks to determine the issues involved and the approaches necessary to undertake for congregations in a relocation process. The thesis evaluates nine mid-west congregations that survived a relocation attempt. Common factors are analyzed to determine the positive elements necessary for a healthy congregational relocation. The common factors are in the areas of church growth, newcomer assimilation, church leadership, church finances, and the process of visioning. It is noted that congregations involved in relocation experience issues of internal restructuring, new church start growing pains, and congregational revitalization thrills and headaches. The biblical theme has to do with the Exodus experience of leaving the safety of the known to the promise of God’s unknown future. Congregations that seek to relocate in a prayerful, planned, and intentional manner stand a very good chance of success.