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Alumni Newsletter

Brad Hauff, SW ‘90 to Keynote 200th Gala!

The Bexley Seabury Seminary 200th Anniversary Gala Planning Committee is delighted to announce that the Reverend Dr. Bradley Hauff, Seabury Western Class of 1990 and a member of the Presiding Bishop’s staff as Missioner for Indigenous Ministries, will deliver the...

General Convention Brings Fellowship and Renewal

President Micah T.J. Jackson, PhD expressed heartfelt gratitude to attendees at the Bexley Seabury reception at General Convention. Dr. Thomas C. Ferguson, Assoc. Prof. of Church History, remarked on the exhilarating yet challenging history of Bexley Seabury...

Bishop Doug Sparks, SW ’89, leads at BPG Gathering

The Rt. Rev. Douglas Sparks, Seabury Western ’89, kicked off the Big Provincial Gathering in South Bend, Indiana on the evening of April 25 with a conversation on his experience “Walking the Potawatomi Trail of Death.” The Bishop of Northern Indiana as well as...

IN MEMORIAM: Robert Day Matheus, Seabury Western ’79

Robert Day “Rob” Matheus, Seabury Western Class of 1979, passed away on September 9, 2024 in Columbus, Ohio age 71,. Born on March 11,1953, in Pueblo, Colorado, Matheus was a beacon of kindness and a spiritual guide to many.  Matheus’s education journey began at Mt....

IN MEMORIAM: Everett Lees, Former Faculty

The Rev. Dr. Everett Cooper Lees, former adjunct professor of Preaching, died suddenly of Pancreatic Cancer, September 11, 2024. Born August 24, 1976, in Oklahoma City, OK, to Ann Masterson Lees and Donald H. Lees, he attended Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School in...

Life in Common

Letter read by President Ferlo at 2016 Commencement at Trinity Lutheran Seminary May 21, 2016 To the President, Board of Directors, Faculty, Staff, and Graduates of Trinity Lutheran Seminary: Grace to you and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ! On this, the final day of...

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Apply to the D.Min. in Preaching

For application to the DMin Preaching please fill this form and send it with the supporting documents* to: Jaime Briceño 1407 E 60th St Chicago, IL 60637 You can also send an email attachment copy to *Supporting documentation is detailed in...

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Eric H.F. Law

The Rev. Eric H.F. Law is the founder and executive director of the Kaleidoscope Institute, which provides leadership resource and training for building inclusive community, intercultural competency, community transformation, congregation vitality and stewardship. He...

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Degree Equivalency Policies

As a graduate school of theology and ministry, the Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation requires a bachelor's degree or the equivalent for admission. Students may be admitted to Bexley Seabury without a bachelor's degree if they can demonstrate bachelor's equivalency....

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Emlyn Ott

Emlyn Ott grew up in Rochester, New York where her parents owned and ran a manufacturing company called, surprisingly enough, “Ottco.” After completing seminary at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, she served as Campus Pastor to Oklahoma State University and...

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With Joy and Singing

With Joy and Singing

Rejoice! Giving thanks, Eastertide 2016 As the worldwide church celebrates a new season of joy in the risen Christ, we at Bexley Seabury give thanks for all the ways our alumni, students, and supporters have inspired and propelled our work. THANK YOU. We are...

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