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Alumni Newsletter

Brad Hauff, SW ‘90 to Keynote 200th Gala!

The Bexley Seabury Seminary 200th Anniversary Gala Planning Committee is delighted to announce that the Reverend Dr. Bradley Hauff, Seabury Western Class of 1990 and a member of the Presiding Bishop’s staff as Missioner for Indigenous Ministries, will deliver the...

General Convention Brings Fellowship and Renewal

President Micah T.J. Jackson, PhD expressed heartfelt gratitude to attendees at the Bexley Seabury reception at General Convention. Dr. Thomas C. Ferguson, Assoc. Prof. of Church History, remarked on the exhilarating yet challenging history of Bexley Seabury...

Bishop Doug Sparks, SW ’89, leads at BPG Gathering

The Rt. Rev. Douglas Sparks, Seabury Western ’89, kicked off the Big Provincial Gathering in South Bend, Indiana on the evening of April 25 with a conversation on his experience “Walking the Potawatomi Trail of Death.” The Bishop of Northern Indiana as well as...

IN MEMORIAM: Robert Day Matheus, Seabury Western ’79

Robert Day “Rob” Matheus, Seabury Western Class of 1979, passed away on September 9, 2024 in Columbus, Ohio age 71,. Born on March 11,1953, in Pueblo, Colorado, Matheus was a beacon of kindness and a spiritual guide to many.  Matheus’s education journey began at Mt....

IN MEMORIAM: Everett Lees, Former Faculty

The Rev. Dr. Everett Cooper Lees, former adjunct professor of Preaching, died suddenly of Pancreatic Cancer, September 11, 2024. Born August 24, 1976, in Oklahoma City, OK, to Ann Masterson Lees and Donald H. Lees, he attended Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School in...

Liturgy and Music: Development and Theology

This course introduces students to the principles and practices of Anglican worship with particular focus on the Episcopal Church and how worship principles and practices have evolved, and the theology and use of music in worship. Dates: Sept. 23-24, Oct. 21-22, Nov....

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Canon Law

This online-only, not-for-credit course covers the basics of the canon law and polity of the Episcopal Church. Knowledge of the material is required for ordination in the Episcopal Church. Dates: Weekly beginning Sept. 6, 2016 Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Ellen Wondra...

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Anglican Formation

  Students and faculty meet monthly in a retreat-like setting for prayer, mutual support, and holy conversation on topics related to the Anglican Christian tradition and how to inculcate spiritual practices that integrate heart, soul, and mind. Dates: August...

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Creator of All Things

In the beginning when God created the heaves and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Genesis 1:1–3 My...

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Form the church

Form the church

Help form the church we are becoming. Bexley Seabury is a welcoming and inclusive teaching-learning community rooted in a generous spiritual and intellectual tradition. We are seeking curious, entreprenurial leaders who yearn to form the church we are becoming. >...

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