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A Tale of Two Towers

2005 Ben A. Shambaugh A Tale of Two Towers: Making Episcopal Schools Missional In a Post Constantinian World Historically Episcopal schools have been at the cutting edge of mission in the Episcopal Church. In order to determine if this is still the case, a...

Invisible Believers

2005 Anne Gavin Ritchie Invisible Believers: An Analysis of the Spirituality of the Unchurched With Implications for Parish Evangelism This thesis is based on a survey of one hundred people who have no current institutional religious affiliation. The survey was...

Communion in Christ’s Body

2005 John Elswood Privett Communion in Christ’s Body: Applying the Lessons of Ecumenical Dialogue to Challenging Congregational Conversations When the Church faces controversial issues it frequently calls for “dialogue” but seldom gives any clear framework for how a...

Influences of Preschools on Congregational Vitality

2005 Ronald Douglas Osbourne Influences of Preschools on Congregational Vitality A surprisingly large number of congregations are involved in early childhood education in the United States. Those which understand such endeavors as integral to the congregation’s...