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Compassion Resilience

2010 Judith Anne DeLorme-Loftus Compassion Resilience: The Law Enforcement Chaplain’s Response To Compassion Fatigue The ministry of the law enforcement chaplain is a ministry of listening, counseling, and support to law enforcement officers, support personnel, their...

It’s Not Just An Old, Old Story

2010 Randall Carl Kidder Day It’s Not Just An Old, Old Story: Introducing Congregational Emotional Systems Through The Lens Of Multigenerational Transmission This thesis presents an overview of systems thinking (Bowen Family Systems Theory), a summary of the concept...

When The Music Touches Our Heart

2010 Randolph Cassells Charles     When The Music Touches Our Heart A basic responsibility and opportunity of every Christian is to grow toward a more integrated life of faith, making real the relationship between our belief and our behavior, between what we...

A Wandering Storyteller was my Ancestor

2010 Gene Bentley Manning A Wandering Storyteller was my Ancestor: Listening to and Preaching God’s Story This thesis explores the importance of honoring “story” within the context of the sermon. Drawing from narrative theology and several modern day...

Guests in the House: Preaching a Cathedral Ministry

2010 Helen Elizabeth Jacobi Guests in the House: Preaching a Cathedral Ministry Preaching in a cathedral setting requires the preacher to be particularly attentive to the context and secular world of cathedral guests. Cathedrals are houses of prayer for all who come,...