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Two Cheers for Samuel Seabury

A few days ago, it was the turn of the Bexley Hall students to organize and lead the community Eucharist at Trinity Lutheran Seminary.  Susan Smith, the rector of the local parish, would preside, and I was asked to preach. It was the feast of the consecration of...

President Ferlo Cheers Illinois Marriage Equality

The Rev. Dr. Roger A. Ferlo, president of the Bexley Seabury Theological Seminary Federation, welcomed the arrival of marriage equality in Illinois: “I am delighted that Illinois has joined 14 other states in endorsing marriage equality. Years ago, as a parish...

To Train the Trainers

I am delighted to inaugurate this monthly column as a permanent feature of our new Bexley Seabury website. I hope you will take a moment to explore the various new features of the site, especially our new course offerings, the bios of our combined faculty and our new...

Taking Up Life on the Margins

A sermon preached by President Roger Ferlo at the Diocese of Indianapolis’s Convention on October 26, 2012: When Bishop Cate invited me to give this sermon, the honor was great but my trepidation was greater. I’m a native New Yorker, born upstate, long...

How Do You Imagine Resurrection?

A Holy Week reflection by President Roger Ferlo How do you imagine resurrection? Frankly, the Gospels aren’t much help.  We know a lot about the before and after of Jesus’ resurrection, but precious little of the during.  The Gospel writers balk at describing an event...

Taking the Risk of Reinvention

On April 26 and 27, faculty, staff, board members, alumni and friends of Bexley Hall and Seabury Western seminaries will gather at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis to inaugurate the new Bexley Hall Seabury Western Seminary Federation. We will be doing so...