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Discovering Something Rich and Strange

As I write I am preparing to lead the pre-Lenten clergy retreat for the Diocese of Massachusetts. Their new bishop the Rt. Rev. Alan Gates, is a former Bexley Hall and Bexley Seabury board member, and a thoughtful and informed supporter of seminary education in a time...

Bexley Seabury St. Marina Scholarship

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sharon Johnson, (312) 255-1923, Bexley Seabury St. Marina Scholarships Will Support LGBTQ Students’ Master of Divinity Studies   CHICAGO, February 16, 2017—Bexley Seabury, one of 10 accredited seminaries of...

Bexley Seabury Spring Online Open House

Wondering what God is asking of you? Feel called to lead? Bexley Seabury is a diverse and welcoming Episcopal community for learning and discipleship. We offer multiple study programs—for lay and ordained leaders and seekers—who want to deepen their faith and be more...

Bexley Seabury Seminary MDiv Program

Bexley Seabury Seminary and our innovative MDiv program, field education, and formation, is featured in the Feb. 15 edition of Christian Century. As noted in the article, “Bexley Seabury has launched a new way of educating seminarians based in a particular...

Pray for Justice. Act for Justice.

Message from President Ferlo I am writing this message on Martin Luther King Day, just four days before the next presidential inauguration. The juxtaposition of these two events underscores the deep racial and economic divisions that have haunted our national polity...