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Pray for peace. Act for peace.

♦ June 13, 2016 ♦ A Letter from President Ferlo Dear Friends, Yesterday afternoon, I joined with hundreds of gay and straight Chicagoans at a silent vigil in Lakeview, a neighborhood known affectionately as “Boystown,” as we mourned for those killed in Orlando in that...

Taking It to the Streets

♦ Sermon Given May 26, 2016 ♦ The Feast of Corpus Christi The Church of the Advent, Boston Pope Urban IV usually receives the credit for getting us here in church on a Thursday evening outside of Holy Week. “Miraculous is the memorial … in which the sign is...

Life in Common

Letter read by President Ferlo at 2016 Commencement at Trinity Lutheran Seminary May 21, 2016 To the President, Board of Directors, Faculty, Staff, and Graduates of Trinity Lutheran Seminary: Grace to you and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ! On this, the final day of...

Creator of All Things

In the beginning when God created the heaves and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Genesis 1:1–3 My...

Lift High the Cross

Sermon given at General Theological Seminary Tuesday in Lent V ♦ March 15, 2016 ♦ I arrived in New York City on Friday from Chicago. Like many Chicagoans, I watched in dismay as the Trump rally, scheduled to be held a few neighborhoods west of my apartment, descended...

Telling It Fresh April 28

Chicago Convocation 2016 showcases new perspectives March 9, 2016 ♦ Twice a year, each spring and fall, Bexley Seabury gathers alums, students, faculty and supporters in prayer, study and fellowship. We meet next on Thursday, April 28, 2016 starting at 2 p.m. All...