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Pursuing Wisdom Beyond Walls

August 17, 2015 ♦ THIS WEEK…the Bexley Seabury faculty meets for its annual overnight retreat. Once again we are gathering in Indianapolis—the halfway point between Chicago and Columbus—which obviates our need to choose one of our host cities over the other!...

Faith After #Ferguson

Because racial reconciliation cannot wait Columbus Convocation 2015 | Wednesday, Sept. 23, 12:15–6:00 PM     PLEASE JOIN US Wednesday, September 23 for a long-overdue community dialogue. We will gather as learners and disciples to consider the urgent need for...

Connect the Dots

July 13, 2015 ♦ It’s been quite an eventful few weeks since my last report. The rapid swings between good news and not-so-good news both in the church and in the public square have given many of us an acute case of spiritual whiplash.  As regards good news, General...

God’s Healing Stillness

June 22, 2015 ♦ Yesterday’s gospel reading was Mark’s account of Jesus calming a great windstorm at sea. Perhaps you heard it yesterday, as I did, under a great vaulted Gothic nave. That word “nave” comes from the same root as the word “navy.” As you read the passage...

Faculty News—Ellen Wondra

The Rev. Dr. Ellen Wondra and World Council of Churches commissioner colleagues begin work on Christian unity CHICAGO, June 16, 2015—The Rev. Dr. Ellen K. Wondra, research professor of theology and ethics at Bexley Seabury, and her colleague commissioners on the World...

Let’s Say “Yes to the Mess”

♦ June 11, 2015 ♦ As I write, Suzi Holding, our director of lifelong theological education and the doctor of ministry program, and I are preparing to welcome 35 participants to our three-day intensive Leadership Institute, in collaboration with our colleagues at the...