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Faculty Grantees

Prestigious Conant Grants awarded to two Bexley Seabury faculty members for 2015–2016 CHICAGO, June 3, 2015—Bexley Seabury announced today that two of its faculty members, the Rev. Dr. Thomas Ferguson and the Rev. Dr. Jason Fout, have each been awarded Conant Grants...

Where is that Fire…

♦ May 20, 2015 ♦ “Where is that fire that once descended on thy apostles?” (George Herbert) There has been another Pew survey released, once again noting the steady decline in the number of Americans who self-identify as Christians, let alone religious. We are getting...

Living Waters

♦ Eastertide 2015 ♦ I was for 10 years rector of an historic parish in New York City where the baptismal font was placed not in the chancel but in the entryway to the church. It was the first thing you saw when you came in, and you had to negotiate your way around it...

A Gospel Built to Last

President Ferlo on Reconciliation ♦ March 6, 2015 ♦ As I write this I am preparing for a week at Kanuga (the Episcopal conference center in western North Carolina) to spend time with six Old Catholic bishops from Europe who are visiting the U.S. as guests of the...

Historic Prayer Books on Display April 29

Open viewing from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bexley Seabury, an Episcopal center for learning and discipleship will sponsor an exhibit of historic prayer books and Bibles from the Michael Morgan Collection as part of its April 29 Chicago Convocation 2015 at St. James Commons,...

Breaking the Silence

President Ferlo on Lenten Discipline ♦ February 12, 2015 ♦ It’s no surprise that we think of Lent as a time to cultivate some silence. Like other Protestants, Episcopalians can be a noisy lot, what with all our preaching, hymn-singing, coffee hours, and all-too-public...