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Episcopal Seminaries United in Diversity

♦ President Ferlo on the Council of Deans meeting Jan. 11-13, 2015 ♦ Last week I had the privilege of hosting the Council of Deans of our Episcopal seminaries at Bexley House in Columbus. It was a time of renewed friendship and striking cordiality, considering our...

On Being a God-bearer: An Advent meditation

Having grown up as an Italian-American Roman Catholic in the 1950s, I have spent most of a lifetime recovering from what felt like an overdose of plaster statuary. It seemed that statues of the Virgin Mary were everywhere in my childhood — on my grandmother’s vanity...

Is the Lord Among Us or Not?

A sermon preached by President Roger Ferlo at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Cleveland on September 28, 2014: In the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I have a question for you from this morning’s reading: Is the Lord among us or not? Now, that’s a...