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The Geography of Evil

A sermon preached on Good Friday 2014, Church of St. Paul and the Redeemer, Chicago Every year on the evening between Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, the Episcopal cathedral in New York sponsors an all-night reading of Dante’s Inferno, all thirty-four exciting and...

The End of the Story

I have always felt a close kinship with Nicodemus. He is one of several figures in the Gospels who approach Jesus in good faith only to get much more than they bargained for:  like the rich man who had followed the Law diligently from his youth, the man whom Jesus...

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is

For ten years I had the privilege of leading an historic endowed congregation in Lower Manhattan. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a parish functioning in expensive lower Manhattan without an endowment.  There are five Episcopal parishes below 14th Street, all...

Suzann Holding Joins Bexley Seabury April 1

A couple of years ago, in the middle of a meeting, the Rev. Canon Suzann Holding had a vision that put her on a journey from the idyllic weather of San Diego back to a city that has been known this winter as Chi-beria, where she will become the Bexley Seabury Seminary...

Baptism Makes Us All Outsiders

I write this President’s message during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. “It has been reported to me…that there are quarrels among you, brothers and sisters.” Now there’s an understatement. Imagine what Paul might have said about...