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A New Adventure: Bexley Seabury Board Begins Work

March 28, 2013–Nearly five years of work came to fruition quietly in late February when the legal federation between Bexley Hall and Seabury Western Theological Seminary became final. The new entity, which will be inaugurated on April 27 in Indianapolis, is...

How Do You Imagine Resurrection?

A Holy Week reflection by President Roger Ferlo How do you imagine resurrection? Frankly, the Gospels aren’t much help.  We know a lot about the before and after of Jesus’ resurrection, but precious little of the during.  The Gospel writers balk at describing an event...
Dean Ferguson on Fasting in Christianity and Judaism

Dean Ferguson on Fasting in Christianity and Judaism

Tom Ferguson was recently featured on All Sides with Ann Fisher, a local NPR show in Columbus. Listen to a 13-minute segment to hear him talk about fasting in Christianity and Judaism. {mp3}all_sides_podcast_fasting_ferguson{/mp3} The full one-hour podcast featuring...

Seabury Moves to Lutheran Center

EVANSTON, September 23, 2011—Officials at Seabury Western Theological Seminary announced today that the school will move from suburban Evanston into space at the Lutheran Center, the headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in Chicago....