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Bexley Seabury Makes a Bold Shift in Operations

Press Release Bexley Seabury Seminary, known to many as the “Seminary Beyond Walls,” has recently evaluated its general approach to educating its seminarians. Like most educational institutions facing the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, the seminary has been...


THEOLOGY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19: A moderated web symposium exploring theological reflection on and responses to our present moment. Wednesday, April 1, 3:00 pm EDT Register Here We are all facing, in the global coronavirus pandemic, something unprecedented in our...
Convocation 2020 and Scholars Conference

Convocation 2020 and Scholars Conference

JOIN US and DIANA BUTLER BASS for two days of dialogue on GRATITUDE as a component of personal care, healthy relationships, and healing for our broken world Co-convened by Bexley Seabury and the United Thank Offering _______________________________________THURSDAY,...