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Bridge Ministers for Hire

2004 Demi Prentiss Bridge Ministers for Hire: Lay Ministry Coordinators as Pioneers of a New Paradigm in Developing Churches The Total Ministry concept advocated by the Standing Commission on Ministry Development in its report to General Convention 2003 is dependent...

A Challenge for the Church

2004 Kathryn Wajda A Challenge for the Church: Supporting Generation X Parents through the Joys and Perils of Raising Christian Children in a Post-Modern World This thesis describes some of the needs and desire of Generation X parents who want to raise their children...

Land Purchasing for New Congregations

2004 Daniel O. Worthington Land Purchasing for New Congregations The selection and acquisition of fifteen new church sites in the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia are the fruit of more than twenty years work in stewardship and a change in the culture that vies and...

Tough Trust

2004 Todd Ousley Tough Trust: Transitioning Congregations From Pastoral Size to Program Size By Balancing Results, Integrity, and Concern This thesis is based on the proposition that the transition of a congregation from pastoral size to program size is positively...