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From Pastoral to Program in the Episcopal Church

2007 John Wengrovius From Pastoral to Program in the Episcopal Church:  The Pilgrimage Through the Transitional Swamp This thesis provides practical and accessible information to diocesan congregational development staff and parish leaders faced with the...

Ripe for the Harvest

2007 Steven R. Rottgers Ripe for the Harvest With time passing into the second millennium, the Church finds itself faced with a paradigm shift from empirical maintenance to a missional challenge of becoming more relevant to people’s needs and to maintain flexibility....

Crying from the Depths

2007 Frank B. Marshall Crying from the Depths: The Story of a Church in Displacement, the Challenge of Reconnecting the Anglican Church to Its Society with Passion for Mission This study reflects the agitation which, I suspect, grips many who, as I do, yearn to see...

Saying YES to the Unexpected Voice of God

2007 Paul William Greeley Saying YES to the Unexpected Voice of God The purpose of this thesis is two-fold. It is a memoir of the early formative years of hearing a call, a Voice, which would eventually incarnate itself in the form of a ministry known as The Holy...