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Florence Read Winkelman

Enhancing the Scope, Accessibility, and Success of Congregational Development Through Communications Technology

This training guide, dedicated to the concept of congregational development in clusters through video or teleconferencing, contributes a number of elements to the small church development that the corporate size church might enjoy but feel unnecessary. The cluster design appears to allay fears of members–gives them a certain comfort level when participating with other parishes. Cyberspace offers the small church unlimited space–a church without walls–and enables ministry expansion for a tiny fraction of the cost of the traditional expansion of programs that require the addition of more and/or larger meeting spaces. Throughout this guide, you will discover three primary themes: (1) the small church perspective in Chapter I; (2) beginning the congregational development in Chapter III, moving to an insight into the diocesan perspective–a significant influence on parish thinking; (3) examining more thoroughly the technology component at the conclusion of Chapter III. These strands are woven together as strands of wire are woven into an electric cable; each has its own unique function, and each is important to the whole.