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7th Annual Bexley Seabury Leadership Institute at the Kellogg School
Beginning June 19, 2017


FOR LAY AND CLERGY LEADERS in any ministry setting

kellogg_classroom_22_061515_webCongregations…church organizations…judicatories. All need strong clergy and lay leaders to make a difference. Our annual Bexley Seabury Leadership Institute helps leaders at all levels become more confident and more effective.

♦ 3-day Institute
♦ 5-day Institute Plus

Participants interact and collaborate with one another and with faculty from Bexley Seabury and the Kellogg School Center for Nonprofit Management at Northwestern University.

Through lectures, interactive exercises and dialogue, participants:

  • Build skills for effective leadership
  • Gain a deeper understanding of complex cultural change
  • Learn strategies to make your faith community more vital

Recent Institute Topics:

  • Leadership Today
  • Leading and Following
  • Leadership in 5G: Leveraging Generational Differences in Your Organization
  • Stewarding Your Resources
  • The Art of Difficult Conversations
  • Branding Your Organization

164 f5h Kellogg cand WEB copyAPPLY NOW for 3-day Institute or 5-day Institute Plus

3-day Institute $1,450*
for lay and clergy leaders

Monday, June 19–Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Northwestern University
Wieboldt Hall
340 East Superior Street

5-day Institute Plus: $1,770**
for Masters/DMin academic credit

Monday, June 19–Friday, June 23, 2017
3 days at Wieboldt Hall
2 days at Bexley Seabury

QUESTIONS? Please call or email the Rev. Canon Suzann Holding at 773-380-6784 or

*with support from Bexley Seabury endowments
**offered for academic credit only

f1a Kellogg cand webWhat Past Participants Say

The Bexley Seabury Kellogg Leadership Institute was a profoundly stimulating offering. The faculty were engaging leaders who brought years of experience to bear…I’m hoping to be able to attend again, since the program changes each year. —The Rev. David Hedges, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Sycamore, Ill.

As religious institutions face rapid change and leaders strain to find perceptive and creative mentoring, Bexley Seabury’s Leadership Institute at the Kellogg School offers “water for parched throats,” to borrow from the psalmist…This seminar will make you want to drink more deeply. —Rev. Dr. Carol A. Tate, Kirk in the Hills Presbyterian Church, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.