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Rock Hal Schuler

Planning Generation X Worship with Particular Reference to the Perspective of Tom Beaudoin

This thesis explores the practical application of acculturated worship by reflecting upon a “Generation X” liturgical service in the light of the work of Tom Beaudoin. Using Beaudoin’s book “Virtual Faith” (along with several reviews of it) as a foundation, the author explores the development of a Christian rock music communion service in his parish. The service employs multi-media (video clips, computer animations, pictures, and music) and numerous “sacramentals” (scented candles, vestaments, liturgical symbolism) to create a unique and appealing “worship experience” that conveys the ancient faith and Eucharistic worship of the Church in a popular culture format that has been successful in drawing in Generation Xers and younger. A pragmatic and theological evaluation of the service concludes the paper, with learnings offered for others attempting similar acculturation.