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Bill Steinberg

The Story of Gracepoint: An Incarnational Approach to Church Planting

In spite of a plethora of church planting models, images, and biblical rationales, there is a lack of true theological reflection giving shape and direction to the church planting initiative. After reviewing current literature, the author argues for what he terms an incarnational approach to church planting, which derives not only its name but also its very nature from the way God has chosen to be made fully known to us. The author’s contention is that the success of a church plant (new congregation) can be enhanced by the presence of a local team committed to an incarnational approach to church planting: that is, by a team of people who are devoted both to the mission of the Word of God, and to becoming enfleshed in ways the Gospel can best be received by the intended population. Utilizing his own experience planting a new church as a case study, the author often demonstrates to the reader what is best avoided in developing new congregations, and how an incarnational approach might produce more significant results.