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Todd Ousley

Tough Trust: Transitioning Congregations From Pastoral Size to Program Size By Balancing Results, Integrity, and Concern

This thesis is based on the proposition that the transition of a congregation from pastoral size to program size is positively correlated with Shaw’s notion of “Tough Trust,” an approach that balances three key imperatives: achieving results; acting with integrity; and demonstrating concern. Specifically, research was conducted in six congregations of transitional size (Average Sunday Attendance between 140 and 225) in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas to determine levels of trust present and then to explore the correlation between trust levels and the apparent success of the congregation in transitioning from pastoral size to program size. Initial comparison of individual congregations survey results and Average Sunday Attendance (ASA) figures for each congregation supports the thesis that there is a positive correlation between congregational trust levels and a rise in ASA. Further investigation into the factors affecting a congregation’s success in transition from pastoral to program size suggests that a focus on techniques to “grow” congregations is misplaced. Instead, leaders should focus energies on the constellations of behaviors that cause increased trust to develop, thereby creating a positive environment to “grow” the congregation.