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As Bexley Seabury Seminary celebrates its bicentennial, we embrace this momentous occasion under the theme “Celebrating Legacy, Inspiring Tomorrow.” This year, we honor the rich history of Bexley Hall and Seabury Western while forging a path forward for our alumni and future leaders.

Micah T.J. Jackson

Micah T.J. Jackson


“Our 200th anniversary marks a significant chapter in our story, highlighting our commitment to theological education and community resilience. It is an opportunity to reflect on our past and envision a future that continues to inspire and empower.”

Celebrating 200 Years of Legacy and Vision


Imagine the impact if 200 individuals stepped forward in this historic year. Your support, whether as a major sponsor for our gala, a contributor to our scholarship fund, an advocate for alumni programs, or a builder of our endowment, will lay the groundwork for centuries to come.

To our alumni from Bexley Hall, Seabury Western, and Bexley Seabury, your legacy is the cornerstone of our future. As we celebrate our shared history, we invite you to join us in inspiring tomorrow. Together, we can achieve a vision that transcends time, honoring our past and ushering in a new era of leadership and service.

Our Goals

  • Innovating Theological Education: Revolutionizing our curriculum with digital platforms to lead theological education in the “Beyond Walls” era, preparing leaders for tomorrow’s challenges.
  • Fostering Interfaith Dialogue: Launching initiatives for interfaith understanding and community engagement to promote global dialogue and respect.
  • Archiving and History Project: Committing to a major history project to research, preserve, and share the rich legacy of Bexley Seabury Seminary with the world.
  • Global Partnerships: Establishing global partnerships to extend our reach, enrich academic experiences, and impact global ministry.
  • Continuous Education Enhancement: Sustaining and expanding our programs, curriculum, and offerings to remain at the forefront of continuous theological education.
  • Digital Education Leadership: Positioning Bexley Seabury as a leader in digital theological education, leveraging technology to expand access and foster innovation.
  • Revitalizing Alumni Relations: Enhancing our alumni network by creating engaging programs and events that honor and connect all iterations of the seminary, fostering a unified and vibrant community.

200 for 200 Campaign

The 200 for 200 giving campaign marks a pivotal moment in the 200th anniversary celebrations of Bexley Seabury Seminary. This initiative seeks the support of 200 individuals, aiming to foster a collective effort towards enriching and advancing the seminary’s mission and impact. Here’s how your contributions will make a difference:

  • Bexley Seabury Scholarship Fund: Enhancing this fund to ensure more aspiring theological leaders can access our transformative educational offerings without financial barriers.

  • New Scholarship Opportunities: Creating new avenues for scholarship that cater to a wider range of academic interests and research areas, promoting diversity and innovation in theological studies.

  • Alumni Engagement and Opportunities: Expanding our alumni network’s reach and depth through new programs, resources, and events designed to keep our graduates connected, supported, and engaged.

  • Research Initiatives: Supporting cutting-edge research in theology, ethics, and community engagement, addressing contemporary challenges, and contributing to global conversations on faith and practice.

The 200 for 200 campaign is more than a fundraiser; it’s a commitment to the future of theological education and the global community we serve. By participating, you’re not just donating; you’re investing in a legacy of education, faith, and service that transcends generations. JOIN US in this historic effort to:

  • Empower Students: Your contribution directly supports students, making theological education more accessible and inclusive.

  • Enhance Learning: By funding scholarships and research, you’re enriching the academic environment and fostering a culture of inquiry and discovery.

  • Expand Community: Your support strengthens the bonds of our alumni network, creating new opportunities for connection, growth, and collaboration.

We invite you to be part of this transformative campaign, contributing to a legacy that “Celebrates Legacy, Inspires Tomorrow.” Your generosity will echo through the virtual halls of Bexley Seabury Seminary and beyond, shaping the future of theological education and making a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.

200 for 200 Giving Levels 

  • Legacy Sustainer: $20,200+
  • Foundation Builder: $10,200+
  • Innovation Advocate: $5,200+
  • Scholarship Steward: $2,200+
  • Community Partner: $200+

Gala Sponsorship Levels

For the Bexley Seabury Seminary’s 200th Anniversary Gala, we’re thrilled to offer a series of giving levels designed to celebrate and honor our generous supporters. Each level comes with specific benefits to acknowledge your vital role in our mission, reflecting our theme “Celebrating Legacy, Inspiring Tomorrow.” Here’s a detailed look at what each level offers:

Legacy: $10,200 and above

  • Benefits:
    • A premier table for 10 at the Gala.
    • A feature page in the Bexley Seabury Magazine, celebrating your contribution.
    • Special recognition during the Gala with a dedicated announcement.
    • An invitation to an exclusive virtual meet-and-greet with the President and key faculty, offering a sneak peek into future plans and initiatives.
    • A commemorative 200th Anniversary plaque.

Beacon: $7,500 – $10,199

  • Benefits:
    • A priority table for 8 at the Gala.
    • A half-page feature in the Bexley Seabury Magazine.
    • Recognition during the Gala with a group announcement.
    • An exclusive virtual seminar series with leading theologians and scholars.
    • A specially designed 200th Anniversary keepsake.

Pillar: $5,000 – $7,499

  • Benefits:
    • 6 tickets to the Gala with preferred seating.
    • Recognition in the Bexley Seabury Magazine with a shared page.
    • A virtual tour of historical and future landmarks significant to Bexley Seabury’s journey.
    • A limited edition 200th Anniversary commemorative book.

Advocate: $2,500 – $4,999

  • Benefits:
    • 4 tickets to the Gala.
    • Recognition in a special section of the Bexley Seabury Magazine.
    • Access to an exclusive online gallery showcasing the seminary’s history and milestones.
    • A 200th Anniversary commemorative pin.

Friend: $1,000 – $2,499

  • Benefits:
    • 2 tickets to the Gala.
    • Name listed in the Bexley Seabury Magazine under the donor section.
    • A digital “Thank You” package, including wallpapers and a virtual background for video calls.
    • Early access to register for upcoming virtual workshops and lectures.

Community: $200 – $999

  • Benefits:
    • 1 ticket to the Gala.
    • Recognition in the Gala program and on the Bexley Seabury website as a sponsor of the 200th Anniversary.
    • A personalized thank you video from a seminary representative.
    • Subscription to a special 200th Anniversary newsletter series.

In recognition of our “Beyond Walls” ethos, we are excited to extend unique virtual benefits that connect our global community, celebrate our shared legacy, and inspire our collective future. Your support at any level not only honors our past but also paves the way for a future where theological education continues to evolve and impact the world.

JOIN US in this historic celebration, and let’s together inspire a future filled with promise and opportunity.

200 Stories for 200 Years

As part of our bicentennial celebration, we invite 200 individuals to share their stories, memories, and experiences with Bexley Hall, Seabury Western, or Bexley Seabury. This collection of narratives will weave together the rich tapestry of our shared history and aspirations for the future. Your story is a testament to the legacy we celebrate and the tomorrow we strive to inspire.

How to Participate

Whether you choose to contribute at one of our giving levels, become a gala sponsor, or share your story, you are an integral part of “Celebrating Legacy, Inspiring Tomorrow.”

  • To Give: Visit our dedicated bicentennial giving page to select your contribution level and learn more about the impact of your gift.
  • To Share Your Story: Submit your Bexley Hall, Seabury Western, or Bexley Seabury story through our online portal. We aim to collect 200 stories that highlight the diversity, strength, and spirit of our community.

JOIN US in marking this 200-year milestone. Your support and stories not only honor our past but also pave the way for a future where theological education continues to flourish. Together, let’s celebrate our legacy and inspire generations to come.