Alumni Prayers: November 2024
May we be reminded of New Beginnings with
Prayers and Congratulations to the Bexley Hall, Seabury Western, and Bexley Seabury Alums Celebrating November Birthdays and Ordination Anniversaries! Blessings to all!*
The Rev. Joan M. Anthony (Seabury Western 1991), The Rev. Annette Arnold-Boyd (Seabury Western 1976), J. Kenneth Asel (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. William A. Baker (Bexley Hall Class not on record), The Rev. Elaine Clyborne Barber (Seabury Western 2003), The Rev. Anne K. Bartlett (Seabury Western 1987), The Rev. John R. Beasley (Seabury Western 1972), The Right Rev. Charles E. Bennison Jr. (Seabury Western 1966), The Rev. Carolyn Kirk Biggs (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Vincent Edward Black (Bexley Hall 2009), The Rev. Susan Jo Blubaugh (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Lewis P. Bohler (Bexley Hall 1955), The Rev. Charles Russell Bohner (Seabury Western Class not on record), Mr. Jason Boling (Bexley Hall 2015), Mr. Christopher Patrick Brennan ( Class not on record), The Rev. Melvin A. Bridge (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Mary Ann Brody (Bexley Hall 2004), The Rev. Robert M. Bruckart (Seabury Western 1979), The Rev. Gustav Brunston (Seabury Western 1965), The Rev. Anthony F. Buquor (Seabury Western 1996), Mr. Harrison Burrows (Bexley Hall 1998), The Rev. Lydia Grace Burton-Edwards (Seabury Western 2005), The Rev. Stephen M. Carpenter (Seabury Western 1979), The Rev. Canon John Phillip Carver (Seabury Western 1994), The Rev. Charles E. Cason Jr. (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. David Paul Chalk (Bexley Hall 1990), The Rev. Marlene M. Clark (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. D. David Clemons (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. David C. Cobb (Seabury Western 1983), Ms. Emily C. Cobb ( Class not on record), The Rev. Betty Ellen Coleman (Bexley Hall 2005), The Rev. Mildred Louise Wright Cox (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ann Crise (Seabury Western 2005), The Rev. Carthur P. Criss (Seabury Western 1957), Mr. William Curnutte (Bexley Hall Class not on record), Chaplain Margaret Cutler (Bexley Hall 1984), The Rev. Simon S.M. Davies (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Albert G. Daviou (Seabury Western 1984), The Rev. Gordon John De La Vars (Bexley Hall 1998), The Rev. Dr. Clarence F. Decker (Seabury Western 1967), The Rev. Donna DeHetre (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Mary T. Delaney (Seabury Western 2002), The Rt. Rev. Andrew Marion Lenow Dietsche (Seabury Western 1987), The Rev. Prentiss C. Dunn (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Douglas R. Dunn (Seabury Western 2001), The Rev. Shirley K. Ellingboe (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rt. Rev. C. Christopher Epting (Seabury Western 1972), The Rev. Jared F. Foster (Seabury Western 1961), The Rev. Stuart K. Frane (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Stephen Freeman (Seabury Western 1980), The Rev. John K. Gibson (Seabury Western 2004), The Rev. Elizabeth Gomes (Seabury Western Class not on record), David T. Gortner (Seabury Western 1997), Raleigh D. Hairston (Bexley Hall Class not on record), The Rev. Timothy J. Hallett (Seabury Western 1965), The Rev. J. Derek Harbin (Seabury Western 1999), The Rev. Margaret G. Harker (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Charles W. Henley (Bexley Hall 1957), The Rev. Patricia Shackelford Hobson (Bexley Hall 1986), The Rev. Sue Holstrom (Seabury Western 1995), The Rev. Margaret Houghton-Minnick (Bexley Hall 1978), The Rev. Marvin Heber Hummel (Bexley Hall Class not on record), The Rev. Barbara C. Johnson (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Frances Kay Johnson (Bexley Hall 1989), The Rev. Christopher Keough (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Gayle H. King (Seabury Western 1987), The Rev. Frank W. King (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rt. Rev. W. Michie Klusmeyer ( Class not on record), The Rt. Rev. Edward Joseph Konieczny (Seabury Western 2001), The Rev. Richard Scott Krejci (Bexley Hall 1967), The Rev. Joseph Lankwei Lamptey (Seabury Western Class not on record), Rhonda Lee (Seabury Western 2005), The Rev. Catherine B. Lewis (Bexley Hall Class not on record), The Rev. Timothy M. Ljunggren (Bexley Hall 1994), The Rev. Denzil J. Luckritz (Seabury Western 1989), The Rev. Bruce L MacDuffie (Seabury Western 1984), The Rev. Glenn Gibson Mahaffey (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Sherod E. Mallow (Seabury Western 1999), The Rev. Michele L. Matott (Seabury Western 2008), The Rev. Cody Maynus (Bexley Seabury 2019), Mrs. Carol McConnell (Seabury Western 1982), The Rev. Bryce McProud (Seabury Western 1999), The Rev. Richard Mendez (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Eric Menees (Seabury Western 2006), The Rev. Mark L. Middleton (Seabury Western Class not on record), Mr. Stephen R. Miller ( Class not on record), The Rev. Clint Moore III (Seabury Western 1992), The Rev. Canon A. Paul Nancarrow (Seabury Western 1955), The Rev. Dr. KyungJa Oh (Seabury Western 2000), The Rev. Lewis A. Payne (Seabury Western Class not on record), Mr. Mark Pinnick ( Class not on record), Mr. Harold Pound (Bexley Hall 2005), The Rev. Edward S. Prevost ( Class not on record), The Rev. Reese S. Rickards (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Very Rev. Joy E. Rogers (Seabury Western 1985), The Rev. Canon Susan Russell (Seabury Western 1998), The Rev. Jean M Scribner (Seabury Western 1983), The Rev. John W. Sewell (Seabury Western 1981), The Very Rev. Canon Martini Shaw (Seabury Western 1988), Mr. Tommy Sheppard (Bexley Seabury 2020), The Rev. Richard E. Shields (Seabury Western 1979), The Rev. Andrew Kunihito Shirota (Seabury Western 2009), Jonathan Silver ( Class not on record), The Rev. David S. Sipes (Bexley Hall 1961), The Rev. George Six (Bexley Hall 1967), The Rt. Rev. Robert S. Skirving (Seabury Western 1998), The Rev. Canon Molly Dale Smith (Seabury Western 1993), The Rev. Thomas Parshall Smith Jr. (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Donald H. Smith (Bexley Hall 1971), The Rev. James R. Sorenson (Seabury Western 1972), The Rev. Robert Ellsworth Stevens Jr. (Seabury Western 2001), Dr. Richard Hugh Stevenson (Bexley Hall 1984), The Rev. Mark D. Story (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Walter Szymanski (Bexley Hall Class not on record), The Rev. Keila Thomas (Seabury Western 2012), Mr. Michael Thompson (Bexley Seabury 2023), The Rev. Monte J. Tiller (Seabury Western Class not on record), Mrs. Shirley Vogel (Bexley Hall 1993), The Rev. Charles M. Vogt (Bexley Hall Class not on record), The Rev. Richard A. Wagner (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Janice F. Lee Walker (Seabury Western 1979), The Rt. Rev. Catherine M. Waynick ( Class not on record), The Rev. Margaret Yoder Weiner (Seabury Western 1987), The Rev. Ronald L. Wiley (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Dr. Joyce Ann Manuel Wilkinson (Seabury Western Class not on record), The Rev. Patricia S. Williams (Seabury Western 1990), The Rev. Claire K. Wolterstorff (Seabury Western 1985), The Rev. Scott Lybrand Zaucha (Bexley Seabury 2018).
*This list has been prepared with care from information currently in our database; kindly let us know if there is a mistake or omission by contacting